DUMP RECORDS FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q: Why are the early releases mostly cassette only?
A: One of the main reason why this is the case is that there wasn't that much motivation to put these releases onto separate Bandcamp accounts originally, so Dump was made as a way to circumvent the account process. It ended up becoming more of a chore than making the Bandcamp accounts, so most of the early cassettes (DUMP-001 to DUMP-035) were made simply to serve as a more convenient way to record at the time.

Q: Are any of these aliases made for the same person?
A: Yes. Dump Records was founded by HB (me) as a way to produce music under different labels. Releases by me will be listed on the "Artists" tab on the home section. In that section, there are groups which do have multiple members in them. Those groups will be marked by a five-point star (★). In the future when Demos are open, there will be a section for Label-Signed Artists. Under that tab, they'll be marked by an eight-point star (✷).

Q: Why does the recording quality vary between recordings?
A: The original masters for these rips varied in quality due to progressive fixes as the process went along. Now that Dump has proper cassette decks for ripping, this process will hopefully become a lot easier and faster (and some of the recordings already published might get remasters).

Q: Will Dump also become a digital label?
A: Yes, this is planned and will most likely be the case. After the original cassette releases are all ripped, most of the music made under the Dump Records label will be digital only. However, there will be occasional dump releases that will be released on Bandcamp that were recorded to cassette originally.

Q: Is there a catalog format?
A: Any digital releases originally recorded on cassette will be Marked as Dump-XXX (XXX being a placeholder number). For digital releases only, the format will be DUMP-XXX-DI (DI representing "digital").

Q: When will all the cassettes be released?
A: Progressively they will be released, but there is no exact date or timeframe when the process will stop. Digital Releases will have more of an estimated timeframe due to promotional material.